The blog helps newly bloggers to tackle the most common challenges – from fresh ideas for their blogs to, and other technical peculiarities. This page can help you to choose a blog platform for your blog.
How to start a blog on blogger
The wiki site is a worldwide collaboration of thousands of people focused on one goal: teaching anyone in the world how to do anything. Explanations are given in a simple way and supported by illustrations and videos. This article tells about Blogger online service and explains how to create a blog there.
The blog of a community of enthusiastic bloggers who are living internet lifestyle. It helps with the tips how to change your lifestyle with the help of creating your own blog. This page tells about steps to make at BlogSpot blogging platform by Google.
How to Create Your Own Favicon Icon
The wiki site is a worldwide collaboration of thousands of people focused on one goal: teaching anyone in the world how to do anything. Explanations are given in a simple way and supported by illustrations and videos. This article tells about Favicon that is displayed next to the address bar in web pages, and explains how to create a site/blog Favicon.
Simple online favicon generator.
Favicon generator. It also explains how to design and implement a favicon for your site/blog.
Bolide® Slideshow Creator developer site provides to download the program for free. It also gives simple instructions and examples.
Bolide Slideshow Creator - создание слайд шоу
Tutorial (in Russian) about how to create a slideshow with music using Bolide® Slideshow Creator.
Online form builder that helps to create private or public multilingual questionnaires, surveys or polls.
PDF file contains step-by-step instructions (in Russian) with screenshots of how to create and publish a questionnaire, and integrate it to a site.
Free online survey builder that to create questionnaires, surveys or polls.
How to create a survey on survey monkey
Video tutorial covers the most important points of creating a questionnaire.
XMind Ltd official site provides a free download and use of a mind-map creating software. You can find many examplea of mind-maps on different themes there.
PDF file contains descriptions of the program topics, topic properties, position, map structure and properties, etc. and how to create and edit a mind-map.
A cloud mind map library that enables authors to publish interactive, read-only maps, optimised for posting to social networks and embedding in web sites. No need to be registered even.
Developer site gives an opportunity to create and share audio episodes for free. Help Articles can really help you to fix problems.
Video tutorial covers the most important points of creating a popdcast.
Slashdot Media allows to download Audacity, an easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder, and LAME MP3 encoder for free.
One of the video tutorials at YouTube that shows how to record a podcast using Audacity.
Social bookmarking sites
The social bookmarking site allows you to easily add sites you like to your personal collection of links and to categorize those sites with keywords.
Fast and easy photo sharing service from Google.
Yahoo company photo sharing service.
Flamber company photo sharing service (in Russian).
Social Service for Presentations ffers users the ability to upload and share publicly or privately PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and Adobe PDF Portfolios
E-teaching material
Allows to build, print, share and solve crossword puzzles online for free.
The service allows you to chop a section from any YouTube video you need for ELT and share it.
The service can help you cut videos and remove unwanted parts from them. It supports almost all video formats.
The service allows teachers to develop tasks and create games of different formats. It is free for students but not for teachers, though you can experiment with material development during a free 30-day trial period.
The rules of netiquette
From the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea
The Core Rules of Netiquette are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea.
Netiquette: 10 Basic Rules To Dramatically Improve your Safety
Heimdal Security company site gives professional recommendations how to keep yourself safe in the internet.
Главы 69 - 77: Общие положения. Авторское право. Права, смежные с авторскими. Патентное право. Право на селекционное достижение. Право на топологии интегральных микросхем.Право на секрет производства (ноу-хау). Права на средства индивидуализации юридических лиц, товаров, работ, услуг и предприятий. Право использования результатов интеллектуальной деятельности в составе единой технологии
Всё об интеллектуальной собственности (об авторских и смежных правах, патентах).
Сайт международной некоммерческой организации, помогающей законно обмениваться произведениями и укреплять сотрудничество между авторами.
Copyright Clearance Center site is designed for academic institutions of the US. It is a guide that helps answer questions ranging from basic copyright law of the US to the more complex topics of ILL. You can first study and then test your copyright knowledge online.