Theoretical Phonetics of the English language — Зачет

1. Теоретический вопрос (один вопрос из списка) для тех студентов, которые не набрали необходимый минимум баллов в течение семестра

2. Тест в диспейс (засчитывается в случае выполнения 70%) 90 вопросов.

3. Индивидуальное задание.


Choose a dialect of English. Prepare a power point presentation about this dialect. A few words about a territory where it is spread and phonetic and phonological features of it. Choose one or two people who use this dialect. Make up a broad phonetic transcription of their speech.  Show with different colours what is specific for the accent. Show a video. In your presentation there must be: 

  1. comparative transcriptions (RP and your dialect) of two sentences from the chosen video.
  2. Draw two tonograms to depict the specific intonation (if possible). 
  3. Chose two words and draw the syllable structure.  
  4. Show the rhythmic structure of two sentencences. 


The list of accents to describe:

  1. General American
  2. New England (Boston accent)
  3. New York accent
  4. American Southern English
  5. Inland/ Mountain Southern (Appalachian natives, Texans, Tennesseans) 
  6. Atlantic Southern English
  7. Afro American English
  8. The Western dialect (California)
  9. The Western dialect (Utah)
  10. The Western dialect (Hawaii)
  11. The South Midland
  12. The North Midland
  13. Philadelphia accent
  14. Western Pennsylvania accent