1. Consider the facts and specify upon them.

a. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins constitute the bulk of the diet.

b. You are what you eat.


c. Vitamins are required for survival.

2. Choose the correct  alternative.

What makes some processed foods less healthy?

Ingredients such as salt, sugar and fat are sometimes (add / added) (to / for) processed foods to make (their / its) flavour more (appealing / appeal) and to extend their shelf life, or in some cases to (contribute / contribution) to (the / - / a) food's structure, such as salt (in / at) bread or sugar (in / of) cakes.

(Buying / To buy) processed foods can lead to people (eating / to eat) more than the / - / a recommended (amounts / amounting) of sugar, salt and fat as they may not (be aware / aware) (of / at) how much (has been / was) added to (the / a / - ) food they (are buying / buy) and eating.

These foods can also be (higher / highest) in calories due to (the /a / - ) high amounts (of / for)  (added / adding) sugar or fat (in / to) them.

3. Complete the sentences choosing the appropriate word from the box below.

food nutrients    processing  products metabolism vitamin  nutrition  substances  energy


1.Not all processed ________is a bad choice.

2. Some foods need _________to make them safe.

3. Food processing is any method used to turn fresh foods into food __________.

4. Each _______is given a name using a letter of the alphabet.

5. This article covers the major issues of human________, such as energy generation and balance, essential________, and recommended dietary guidelines.

6. The utilization of food materials by all living things is described in nutrition, and specific biochemical processes are described in__________.

7. Most foods provide a mixture of energy-supplying nutrients, along with vitamins, minerals, water, and other __________.

8. Depending on an individual’s level of physical activity, between 50 and 80 percent of the _______expended each day is devoted to basic metabolic processes.

4. Scan the scientific article, identify the group of nutrients discussed.

How can I eat processed foods as part of a healthy diet?

You have no control over the amount of salt, sugar and fat in processed food but you do have control over what you to choose to buy.

Reading nutrition labels can help you choose between processed products and keep a check on fat, salt and sugar content.

Most pre-packed foods have the nutrition information on the front, back or side of the packaging.

If the processed food you want to buy has a nutrition label that uses colour-coding, you will often find a mixture of red, amber and green.

When you're choosing between similar products, try to go for more greens and ambers, and fewer reds, if you want to make a healthier choice.

There are guidelines to tell you if a food is high or low in fat, saturated fat, salt or sugar.

5. Do the multiple-choice quiz.

1. Human nutrition is …

a. a process by which substances in food are transformed into body tissues and provide energy

b. a process of metabolism

c. a process of transforming essential substances into body tissues

2. Human nutrition is …

a. an interdisciplinary science

b. a science of nutrition

c. a science of food and beverages

3. Macronutrients are…

a. proteins and fats

b. minerals and vitamins

c. carbohydrates, lipids and proteins

4. Your health is very much determined by…

a. the way you sleep

b. what you eat

c. what you drink

5. Micronutrients are…

a. water

b. minerals and vitamins

c. carbohydrates

6. A ‘built-in-alarm signal’ is…

a. pain

b. hunger

c. fear

7. A ‘fuel for the body’ is…

a. water

b. food

c. vitamins


1. Consider the facts and specify upon them

a. Processed food can be stored longer.



b. Food additives are necessary, because they help to preserve sensory qualities of food, which are important for consumers.



c. Proper food processing prevents consumers from health hazards.

2. Fill the gap with a derivative of the word in brackets

Food processing

Food processing (general) includes the basic (prepare) of foods, the (alter) of a food product into another form, and (preserve) and (package) techniques.

A number of food-processing (innovative) have even resulted in new products, such as (concentration) fruit juices, freeze-dried coffee, and instant foods.

Food processing (requirement) a (know) of chemistry, microbiology, and physical (compose) of foods. Early types of food processing included (cook), (dry), (smoke), and (ferment). These methods have been refined but are still in use today. New technologies have been developed, (include) irradiation, high-pressure (process), extrusion, etc., that have generated new products and enhanced food (safe) and quality.

There are food industry procedures,government (regulatory) and as well as (label) requirements that assure food safety. There both benefits and concerns (surround) food processing. They are connected with the influence of (art) colors, salt, sugar, and fats present in processed foods on (healthy).

3. Complete the sentences choosing the appropriate word  from the box below

Root vegetables, hazards, sensory properties, canning, hurdle technology, solution, preservatives, dehydration,

1. ________ extends the life of foods by stopping the natural process of deterioration in food caused by micro-organisms. This is done through boiling and sealing.

2. Food safety ________ can adversely affect the food we eat; they can cause harm such as foodborne illnesses and allergic reactions.

3. Bacteria do not grow in acidic environments. This is why acidic foods like lemon juice and vinegar can be used as _________ .

4. Washing raw produce with a vinegar ______ has been shown to reduce the number of microorganisms.

5. Even if you like peeled _______, you should remove the dirt from their skins first by using a stiff-bristled brush and plenty of water.

6. The ______ of milk are highly influenced by its fat content.

7. Food ______ is a process of reducing moisture of food to low levels.

8. The foods which are preserved using the concept of ________ and are microbiologically stable and become safer during storage at ambient temperature.

4. Scan the article, identify the type of thermal treatment

  Scalding vegetables in boiling water or steam for a short time is a must for almost all vegetables to be frozen. It stops enzyme actions which can cause loss of flavor, color and texture.

This method helps to clean the surface from dirt and organisms, it brightens the color and helps retard loss of vitamins. It also wilts or softens vegetables and makes them easier to pack.

The time of this type of thermal treatment is crucial and varies with the vegetable and size. Under_____ stimulates the activity of enzymes and is worse than no ________. Over_______ causes loss of flavor, color, vitamins and minerals.

For home freezing, the most satisfactory way to heat all vegetables is in boiling water.

Heating in steam is recommended for a few vegetables. For broccoli, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and winter squash, both steaming and boiling are satisfactory methods.

5. Do the multiple-choice quiz.

1. The traditional ways of food processing are…

a.  high pressure processing (HPP);

b.  cleaning and thermal treatment;

c.   pulsed electric field processing

2. The main aims of food processing are …

a.  disposal of products wasted;

b.  usage of organisms whose DNA has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally;

c. stabilizing food products by preventing or reducing negative changes in quality.

3.  Food additives are …

a.  substances that are added to food to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture, or appearance;

b.  compounds which accelerate growth of pathogens;

c.  packaging materials.

4.  Food contamination is…

a.  wastes of edible food;

b. the presence of harmful chemicals and microorganisms in food, which can cause consumer illness;

c. a process in which packaged and non-packaged foods (such as milk and fruit juice) are treated with mild heat, usually to less than 100 °C (212 °F).

5.  Raw materials are …

a. products of vegetable or animal origin produced by agriculture, farming, breeding and fishing aimed for further processing;

b.  ready-to-consume food;

c.  junk food.

7. Food pathogens…

a.  are mechanical impurities;

b.  grow best in alkali environment;

c.  require food to multiply.

8.  Sealed food…

a.  should be eaten within 20 days after the can in opened;

b.  can be stored for several months and even years;

c.  always contains the salts of sorbic, benzoic, maltic or citric acids, which are toxic.